
qicz's Space

Kong Quick Start & Core Concepts (En)

Note: Author Qicz may revise the content of this article from time to time. In order to guarantee the consistency and rigor of the content, author Qicz reserves all rights of this article. No reprint or other use of the content is allowed without the permission of Qicz. What is Kong, technically? (https://docs.konghq.com/2.1.x/getting-started/introduction/) Kong is a Lua application running in Nginx and made possible by the lua-nginx-module. Instead of compiling Nginx with this module, Kong is distributed along with OpenResty, which already includes lua-nginx-module.


2020年对于世界和每个人都是及其特别的一年。 2019年12月开始,陆陆续续爆发的新型冠状病毒疫情,肆虐了国内外。 在国内,疫情最严重的地方就